Your eyes
Loving is an art
We got it wrong from the start
We made love before
Now our love's become a war
A thing that seemed so right
Has turned into a bitter fight
It's driving me insane
I just want to stroll down Lover's Lane
Your Eyes
What do they see?
When they sting me like a bee
And numb me with surprise
Your Eyes
When your hope fades
They can cut like razorblades
And turn my blood to ice
We can't see each other
The way we used to do
And slowly everything is changing
Into something scary and new
I want to scream "I love You!"
But the words don't come out right
I want to throw my arms around you
But I keep my distance
Stuck here with my pride
Staring right into the reason for my Waterloo
Allt blir fanimej bara mer och mer strange? Alltså... oh, fuck it.... Aldrig ens fel att två träter, inte heller kan en rätta till det själv utan hjälp. Det får bli det det blir.... En kopp kaffe, så ses vi när vi ses
We got it wrong from the start
We made love before
Now our love's become a war
A thing that seemed so right
Has turned into a bitter fight
It's driving me insane
I just want to stroll down Lover's Lane
Your Eyes
What do they see?
When they sting me like a bee
And numb me with surprise
Your Eyes
When your hope fades
They can cut like razorblades
And turn my blood to ice
We can't see each other
The way we used to do
And slowly everything is changing
Into something scary and new
I want to scream "I love You!"
But the words don't come out right
I want to throw my arms around you
But I keep my distance
Stuck here with my pride
Staring right into the reason for my Waterloo
Allt blir fanimej bara mer och mer strange? Alltså... oh, fuck it.... Aldrig ens fel att två träter, inte heller kan en rätta till det själv utan hjälp. Det får bli det det blir.... En kopp kaffe, så ses vi när vi ses